Shades of #MAGA Social Network Analysis Textual Analysis Summary Data Provenance

The word cloud above illustrates the combined daily totals of frequencies for the terms occuring most frequently with the hashtag #MAGA over a five day period from November 6 to November 10, 2017.

The "berry" above illustrates the relative frequency of the 15 most frequently used terms overall during the five days (us_flag represens the US flag icon).


Textual Analysis

Using a web-based suite of textual analysis tools (Voyant), I examined the data set using both quantitative and qualitative measures to explore the context of the #MAGA hashtag's use.

Cirrus Tool (Word Cloud)
Shows frequency with which terms occur.

Term and collocate frequency.

#MAGA & Whiteness
A closer look at how #MAGA is invoked in the discursive construction of race.